November 14, 2020


Colorado, known as the Centennial State became part of the Union in 1876. It boasts of being the 8th largest state geographically and has the largest peak in the Rocky Mountains. Yet, where Colorado also excels is in its production of food. In farming and ranching, the state remains a steady producer. Unfortunately, drought and hard times may result in farms and ranches for sale. In Colorado, however, farmers and ranchers are still striving to do what they do best for less than they deserve – keep Colorado and its residents, as well as those from other states, fed.


In 2012, Colorado had 36,300 ranches and farms. The average size of these was 862 Acres. Some of them are the property of independent farmers who have held the land in their families for acres and John Malone.

Farms and Crops

What you grow is determined by the location of the farm. If you are located in the east and east-central plains, the farm most likely produces beans, grains, sugar beets and potatoes. Other crops include:

  • Grains e.g. wheat, barley, proso millet corn hay, sorghum – Arkansas Valley and Western Slope
  • Peaches – Arkansas Valley
  • Various fruits e.g. tart cherries, apples- Western Slope

In addition to these, Colorado grows roses and a variety of vegetables for markets. Consistently, Colorado ranks high compared to other states as a producer.


While Colorado has a history of farms, it is better known for its ranches. When it comes to cattle, this state has the seventh-largest cattle herd in the United States. In fact, the ranching industry accounts for around 50 percent of Colorado’s total agricultural sales.

Ranches for Sale in Colorado

Ranches for sale in Colorado are a sign of the times. While many farmers and ranchers continue to tough it out in hard times, many cannot succeed in this rough business. While some may turn their place into a working Dude Ranch, others decide it is time to leave. This can provide you with the chance to see if you have what it takes to be a successful Colorado farmer or rancher.