Submitted by: Maggie Johnson
While many people may consider them novelty items, baseball caps with lights are really a useful tool in many trades, and have become a mainstay in many garages and other working environments in which people may need a little extra light, but may not have an extra hand to hold a flashlight. Similar to the mining hard-hats with the headlights on the front, these comfortable hats are as utilitarian and functional as any flashlight, and they do the job while keeping the wearer s hands free. They have been around for quite a while, but have really come into their own over the last decade or so.
Baseball caps with lights tend to be used in professions in which dexterity cannot be compromised, but lighting is dim and space may be confined, such as auto mechanics, diesel shops, and many production jobs. In general, the lights in question are LED lights that are located on the front of the bill. They are very high power, and are generally turned on and off via a button that is embedded in the bill of the hat itself. Depending on your particular lighting needs, you may be able to find a lighted baseball cap that contains two or more different colored lights. Most commonly, they will either have several white LED lights, or a combination of white and red LED lights. Generally, the power switch in these multi-colored light hats will also control which of the colored lights are illuminated.
Baseball caps with lights tend to be constructed of durable, high quality material and made to take the abuse that tends to be meted out upon tools of the trade. Often, they are made of high-density canvas, similar to work pants or coveralls, and they are often constructed to take a bit of abuse without failing. The LED lights are generally shatter-proof, and built to last for a year or more.
If you are in the market for baseball caps with lights, you can generally find them in any number of specialty stores. Unlike most baseball caps, this type cannot generally be found in sporting goods retailers. However, if you explore any retail store with a large tool department (particularly those located in anchor stores in shopping malls) or at large, tool specialty stores. Additionally, they can often be found at home improvement stores or farm and ranch stores, in the hand or power tool sections. Often, they are made by tool manufacturers.
Finally, it is important to keep in mind that baseball caps with lights can generally be found in either adjustable or fitted styles. As is commonly the case, adjustable caps tend to be less expensive than fitted caps. If you are going to be using your lighted baseball cap as a light source while working under a vehicle or while otherwise lying on your back, you may want to consider a fitted style. This will prevent any hard fasteners on an adjuster strip from causing discomfort or even pain. If you do have to get an adjustable hat, try to find one with a Velcro or other soft adjuster strip. Those with metal clasps should be avoided.
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Baseball Caps with Lights
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