July 2, 2021

By James S. Pendergraft

Increasing the weight of the body beyond the limitation of the skeletal is a serious threat to your health.

It is well known to everyone that obesity may cause risks to your health. Obesity is actually viewed by several, particularly insurance companies as a severe medical condition. Several people do not understand as to how critical it is actually for obese individual to obtain a perfect insurance; this is because the health risks that an obese person faces might cost a huge amount of money to the company.

One amongst the common reasons as to why the insurance companies would reject the application is due to the overweight of the person which is regarded as a superior threat. If an insurance company decides to take in an obese patient as their client, then they frequently boost up their premium to approximately twice the money that they take from a normal person.

If you have a feeling that this condition is superiorly unfair and prejudiced against individuals who are facing weight problem, may be you might be right, but the prejudice against individuals with chronic or pre- existing conditions is considered to be a normal practice in the insurance market, in the end, the insurance company is a commerce which render proper care to their clients and have to make money too. Actually the 2004 ruling given by the Federal government allow the insurance company to charge superior premium for the obese individuals and this actually encourage individuals to lose weight and help them to be normal and healthy.

A fascinating fact is even though the insurance companies identify obesity as superior risky chronic condition, which ever treatments towards decreasing the heaviness (inclusive of weight loss treatments) have been excluded. However this policy is even applied to which ever chronic condition which is developed by client before taking in the insurance plan.


Listed below are few of health conditions which worry the insurance companies that their obese clients may develop:

– Increase of blood pressure

– Type two diabetes

– Heart stroke and disease

– Osteoarthritis

– Some kind of cancer

– Gallbladder disease

– Sleep apnea

– Liver disease

All these above medical conditions are considered to be a severe threat to an individual’s health and needs medical treatments which frequently add to the total cost. If an individual turns to be an obese and comes across one of the above stated health conditions later, the cost for the treatment has to be covered.

In short, the obesity must be taken as a lifetime threatening condition and not just mere esthetic matter. May be in the future, the insurance companies would take a decision to include the obesity treatment in medical cover, however until then try to stay healthy as well fit. That will not only give you a better life but you will end paying less for your insurance.

To Your Health!

About the Author:

Abortion Clinic.

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women’s Center in March 1996.


, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Late Term Abortion Clinic.



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