Here’s An Opinion On:
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery – Fact or Fiction?
Sheila Clinch
Perhaps a household name in the field of American dance and choreography, Paula Abdul allegedly took to plastic surgery for a better personality. One of the judges on the popular American Reality sitcom, American Idol, Paula Abdul’s before and after pictures were released on the World Wide Web and from the look of them, it is quite evident that she took to the knife to achieve a younger look. Many doctors and surgeons are of the opinion that she appears to have been given a rhinoplasty more popularly a nose job because her flattish nose seems more aquiline and slim now. Some people actually told her that it was no point hiding the fact that she had actually had a nose job because every one knows that even with old age; the nose does not lose weight on its own. But the treatment she underwent is still not known. speculations are always being developed and one of the other ones(apart from the nose job) is that she got Botox injections in face also, probably near the forehead because her eyebrows and eye lids seem quite different. Although she has achieved a remarkable appearance, it is only a matter of time when new rumors about her artificially acquired features will start troubling her. The Botox injections in her face are being speculated because the characteristic “Botox Brow” is clear in her recent pictures. The arched look which many people seem to gain after a plastic surgery operation in the post operative stage is something which many people actually prefer. Before Paula Abdul admits to having gone through a cosmetic surgery or similar treatments, one should not wildly speculate.
On a different note, there is an issue involved with Paula Abdul’s plastic surgery on her breasts and many people seem to like to debate about them. Any sane man would hardly call that an issue when so many other things are much more important. In fact, Paula Abdul’s breasts seem to sag down in her cleavage revealing photos. Her weird looking cleavage could be the reason of a prior breast surgery gone wrong. this can be said because many surgeons are of the opinion that if implants are placed upon the breast tissues, then over some time, mostly in old age, the muscles become weak and they breasts start drooping as in the case of Paula Abdul whoever did her breast lift, obviously did not ensure that they stayed in place properly and this surgery was quite unlike her nose job, which took ten years of her appearance. After her alleged rhinoplasty, Paula Abdul gained quite a fan following in Hollywood circles owing to her stunning face. But then her breasts have indeed spoiled her personality. The strange hollowness in her cleavage as a matter of fact seems disgusting. A medical term for a sunken chest bone is Pectus Excavatum and Paula Abdul’s chest wall deformity seems to be an inherited one. This, according to a famous Hollywood celebrity plastic surgeon can be treated by a solid implant made of silicone or even a fat grafting procedure. But the simple treatment for her is mastopexy which involves a sort of straightening of the breast tissues, restoring the shape of the implants and giving the bust a much fuller look. This in fact changes the overall personality of a lady. Paula Abdul would become lovelier if she went in for another corrective plastic surgery, but for the moment, she thinks she does not need one. She believes that a good dancing routine along with light weight training can restore them. But she will need to care about her diet as well.
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Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery – Fact or Fiction?