Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Grant Eckert
When you’re on the road a lot and you need to access your work or just the internet, your laptop becomes a crucial part of your life. It’s the accessory that you just can’t live without. But while bringing your laptop with you will make things more convenient for you, are you really getting all that you need from this portable computer?
Signs You Might be Cheating Yourself
Your laptop is only as good as the features it includes. When you first buy a laptop, it’s all shiny and new, but after you’ve used it a few times, you may find that you need more and more from it in order to work as well as it did in the beginning. If you’re noticing these signs, you might be ready for some laptop upgrades:
Your laptop crashes more often than it used to
Your laptop doesn’t run programs as quickly
You have troubles opening multiple files at the same time
Your computer stalls
You can’t save as much on the hard drive
Your laptop is supposed to make your life easier, but when you’re suffering from issues like these, it’s harder to utilize it in the most efficient ways possible.
Diagnosing the Problem
When your laptop isn’t running as well as you would like, your first instinct may be to think that you need to replace your laptop with a newer model but this isn’t always the case. If you’re not completely computer literate or if you’ve never fixed your computer before, you might want to get a second opinion on the diagnosis of the problem via your computer’s manufacturer. Call their support team to see if you can figure out what the problem is by running the laptop through various tests.
While this seems like a time consuming step, you may find out that you are actually just suffering from a program installation issue or perhaps a virus that has gotten into your hard drive. These are fairly simple fixes, but if you’re not aware of how to detect them, they can prove frustrating.
However, in many cases, these aren’t even the main problems you are having. That’s when you need to consider the idea of adding memory to your laptop.
Adding Memory, Adding Power
Your laptop is a smaller version of your desktop, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t work just as well. If you’ve determined that your problems aren’t being caused by viruses or software problems, you might want to consider adding memory. This can help reduce the burden of the memory that is being used by your laptop and allow you to have faster running programs and fewer crashes.
Memory is what is needed to give ‘space’ for programs to run. If you’re not giving your laptop enough space in which to run programs, they will have troubles running.
When you have more memory on your laptop, you will be able to:
Run ‘heavier’ programs like games and music players
Watch DVDs and online videos without interruptions
Store more information on your hard drive
Reduce or eliminate the system crashes
Run multiple programs at the same time
How to Boost Your Computer
To see how much memory you can add to your laptop, you will again need to contact the manufacturer. They can walk you through a simple process of finding the maximum memory storage for your laptop by looking at your unique laptop settings. These vary from laptop to laptop, so checking with the help desk or owner’s manual is the best way to find them.
Once you find the memory capabilities, you will want to either send your laptop into the help center to have them install the memory for you. This is generally recommended if you don’t have a lot of experience with computers and when you don’t need to have your laptop immediately. You can also bring it to a computer repair center to see if they can install the memory for you.
But in reality, installing memory for a laptop is quite simple. All you need to do (for most models) is remove a small piece on the underside of the laptop and replace the memory chips that are in there at the moment. Depending on the model, you might need to place multiple sticks in there or just one. This is done with the computer off and unplugged, and then the cover is replaced, your laptop is turned back on, and you are ready to go.
You can take your laptop to the next level when you add memory and quite often, you can do this on your own. You will need to purchase the memory from a qualified dealer of your brand’s memory to be sure it works with the system you have.
About the Author: Grant Eckert is a writer for
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