July 11, 2021

byAlma Abell

If you are involved in a workers compensation case right now, working with skilled Workers Compensation Lawyers in Vermont will be essential going forward. The best way to help your attorney be successful with your workers comp case is to be well prepared for your first appointment. Keep reading to learn more about exactly what types of things you need to take to the workers comp attorney at your first appointment.

Reports Regarding Your Accident


In most cases, your employer will create some type of incident report at the time you inform them of your accident. This report will typically include information like the date, time, circumstances, and witnesses to your accident. The employer is obligated to furnish you with a copy of the incident report, and you should have this report on hand to share with the workers comp lawyer so they can gain a better understanding of how the injury happened.

Copies of Medical Bills

In most cases, workers comp injury will result in significant medical bills. These medical bills may be paid as you go, or they may all be outstanding still. Keep records of all medical bills, whether paid or unpaid. These bills will be essential in establishing the amount of damages that you are entitled to later on.

Record of Your Income

Bring several past pay statements to your workers comp attorney if possible. Your income in the past will help dictate what type of future settlement that you may be entitled to, especially if you are a disabled long-term or permanently. Don’t forget to keep track of every bit of time that you have lost from work due to the workers comp injury, and give the lawyer this information as well. Browse website for more information.

Your Personal Notes

As soon as possible after you are injured on the job, you should create a personal account of how the injury happened. Make note of any and all details that you can remember. This information may be highly relevant to your case because your attorney can use it to establish your right to damages later. If you are looking for a Workers Compensation Lawyers in Vermont, consider the McVeigh Skiff LLP law firm. They handle both workers compensation cases and personal injury cases.