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S10-110 Drill Kits
Adila Masih
Question: 1
Software Defined Storage (SDS) uses which type of technology to function?
A. Application
B. replication
C. virtualization
D. authentication
Answer: C
Question: 2
Which type of cloud allows management of backups to local, public, and/or private clouds to meet the varying requirements of cost, availability, latency, and security?
A. public
B. private
C. hybrid
D. secure
Answer: C
Question: 3
Which level of data access does a SAN device provide compared to NAS?
A. file access
B. block access
C. packet access
D. object access
Answer: B
Question: 4
You want to improve disk space usage efficiency while maintaining high availability.
In this scenario, which solution satisfies this requirement?
D. RAID 10
Answer: D
Question: 5
What is Software Defined Storage?
A. virtualized storage with a Fibre Channel interface
B. virtualized storage with an Ethernet interface
C. physical storage with a service management interface
D. virtualized storage with a service management interface
Answer: D
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Test Information:Total Questions: 65Test Number: S10-110Vendor Name: SNIACert Name: SNIA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONALTest Name: SNIA Storage Network Foundations ExamOfficial Site: http://directcertify.comFor More Details: http://www.directcertify.co.uk/S10-110.htmlGet20% Immediate Discount on Full Training MaterialDiscount Coupon Code: 411611IUH5
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